Privacy Policy

Legal information about the website

We, also known as “company”, “we” and other similar terms, follow a strict and detailed policy and are committed to upholding privacy regulations and protecting personal information.

We outline how our site collects and uses personal data and information from its users (henceforth referred to as “user”, “you” and the like) in this Privacy Policy.

The policy may be changed in response to company demands, new regulations, or other legal developments. Any required modifications will become effective as soon as they are published on the website. It is your duty as a user of our website to review the updated Privacy Policy on a regular basis.

This website is only for people who are 18 years old or older. This Privacy Policy does not bind you because it is not part of any contract.

What is the definition of personal data?

Personal data is any information that is used to verify your identity or authenticate you. Our website collects information such as your first and last names, birth date, place of birth, physical and electronic addresses (including postal and email), signatures, and IP address.

What is the most recent version of the privacy policy?

We may collect, use, or process personal information about you whenever you visit our website. Outgoing connections (redirects) from our domain to third-party websites may be provided by third parties. We have no control over the content or privacy practises of third-party websites. Before using any of these websites’ services, we strongly advise you to read their Privacy Policy.

There are just a few ways for a website to collect data from its users. Among them are the following:

-Through direct interactions: Any information you willingly provide in any of the website’s forms is collected (such as a subscription form, application form, contact form, etc). We keep the information you submit through those channels when you contact our customer service representatives via email, mail or phone.

-Through automated technology: some of your information, such as your IP address or browsing activities on the site, may be saved automatically by our webpage.

Rest assured that your personal information and connected data will only be used for the purposes listed below (for more information, see “What happens to the data?”)

You may voluntarily share more information with us in addition to what we ask for on our website. However, by doing so, you are giving us permission to use the data for the purpose for which you supplied it.

We ask that you submit accurate, up-to-date information so that we can continue to provide the best customer experience. This includes, but is not limited to, subscriptions to our newsletter.

We are not responsible for any erroneous, false, or misleading information given by users.

You will need their consent if you are filling out a form on their behalf. You’ll need consent from the child’s parent or legal guardian if the application is for a minor.

Please ensure you are familiar with the following terms:

  • We may notify the person who holds the personal data if we receive a request for information on an adult from someone other than the reference. If the person named objects to the application/for/submission of their personal data, we will not proceed with any registration/application or other services on our website.
  • We may tell the minor’s parent or legal guardian if we receive a request for private information about a minor without the guardian’s consent. If the parent or guardian of the individual named objects to the application/form/submission of the minor’s personal data, we will not proceed with the registration/application or any other services on our website.

What happens to the information?

There are a number of ways in which we may use your information, such as:

  • To keep you informed on important information about ETIAS
  • To contact you, if necessary, through our newsletter
  • To respond to you, if you contacted us through a comment or inquiry.

We use browser behaviour data to improve the user experience and usability of our website, as well as to ensure that it is not being used for fraudulent, harmful or unlawful purposes.

For legal reasons, we may process and retain your personal information.

In the vast majority of circumstances, the following criteria will be utilised to process your personal data:

  • You have given us expressed consent to use your personal information for the reasons for which it was collected (for example, if a customer service representative read your email submission to help solve your issue).
  • To ensure our legal obligations are fulfilled and/or meet the demands of administrative, judicial or other authorities.

Invoicing for our services, delivering a better customer experience, providing professional services of high quality, and monitoring fraudulent behaviour on our site are all legitimate interests of ours.

How long will we keep your information?

Your personal information will be processed until it is no longer needed for the purpose it was gathered for. Your personal data will be kept safe and secure after that period in case we need it for a civil actions or disputes arising from our website’s provision of services. Your personal information will be completely removed from our databases after a predetermined period of time. You have the right to request that your information be removed from our database at any time.

What personal information do we have access to?

We may only share your personal information with third parties in the following circumstances, when you visit or browse our website:

  • To ensure the fulfillment of our legal duties and/or to achieve the requirements of judicial, administrative, or other authorities.
  • To pursue support from our technical support, who hosts and/or offers technical assistance to our data system.
  • To defend our legitimate interests in the event of a professional services claim.

Third-party websites linked to and from our site may be located outside of the European Economic Area. If your personal information is sent internationally, you may be subject to additional privacy policies and restrictions. To preserve the security of your personal data as well as your rights and freedoms, read the privacy policies of each redirected site.

Personal data security

We promise to keep your personal information safe and secure. Our website makes use of the most up-to-date information systems and follows all technological and organisational privacy safeguards.

Your personal information is protected from being used in an unauthorised or unlawful manner by us.

We also make certain that all of our staff and contractors adhere to our strict data security policies.

We will never use your personal information without your permission. We take every effort to protect your personal information on our website. You must, however, take care to protect your own personal information.

Fake emails, websites, or other entities impersonating our partners or looking similar to our website should be avoided.

Having a say in what happens to you

All of the information you enter on our site is legally accessible to you.

Your personal data can be changed or restricted at any time.

If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy or would like your personal information removed from our servers, please contact us.

Please send your requests via one of our communications channels, such as the contact us page.

You can also reduce tracking options by modifying your browser’s privacy settings.

You can also use numerous extensions and apps to enable “Do Not Track”, giving you more control over which cookies are allowed.

We are happy to answer any inquiries or resolve any issues you may have.